When you have an immediate need for separation or filtration equipment, turn to our Rental Program. It is specifically designed to help end-users and process owners obtain the performance affiliated with our separations technology within 48-72 hours! Your rental equipment can be delivered THAT fast!
Process Plants frequently encounter process upsets and other events that affect throughput and increase operating costs, thereby adversely affecting profitability. In many cases, these events are related to solid or liquid contaminants entering the unit in the liquid or gas streams. Once the causes of these process upsets or constraints are identified to pertain to the need for better separations, there is an immediate need for the separations equipment
Our rental program is specifically designed to help end-users and process owners obtain the performance affiliated with our separations technology plus a preferred means of acquiring the equipment through rental or lease to own. In cases where the end-user is looking for an immediate solution, this rental program may be the answer.
Now Offering CRN Certified Rental Systems for our ProcessOr, LiquiSep and UltiSep Technologies
HRT provides petroleum producers, refiners and gas processors dramatically improved solids control and hydrocarbon recovery from process water streams. Applications for HRT include: Produced Water Management, Oil Removal from Waste Water, and SRU Optimization.
The ProcessOR is a superior separator vessel often used for particle/liquid filtration or separation. It is available to be delivered as a self-contained skid (pictured) or a stand-alone vessel. It is also available custom sized as a capital sale or as a turn-key rental, which is often available within days of the received order.
The InterSep high performance separation system is designed and manufactured to separate particulate contaminants from natural gas/vapor streams.
LiquiSep technology has been implemented specifically to help separate emulsions that are not separable by conventional coalescers. Conventional coalescers are unable to provide the degree clarity associated with LiquiSep technology due to the inability to capture and remove the most penetrating droplets that cause carry-over. LiquiSep can separate these dispersed and emulsified droplets from the hydrocarbon to practically non-detectable levels.
UltiSep technology was developed to address the inherent deficiencies of the conventional gas-liquid separators, making it possible to effectively remove liquid aerosols from gas streams. UltiSep® flows from the inside-to-the-outside, reducing the gas velocity as the droplets are being removed.